A typical shopping mall scene. Mom moving with a kid in stroller from one lane to other. Rushing to get her list done...
Kid: Mommy!
Mom: Yes baby.
Kid: I want cookie!
Mom: No! You already had it couple of hours ago.

After some minutes. Mom still busy in picking the items from her list...
Kid: Mommy! I want cookie!
Mom: I said No!

Now in different part of store. Mom asking about something from a associate...
Kid: Mommy! (Mom is ignoring)
Kid: Mommy! Mommy! I want cookie! (Little louder)

Mom: Baby I told you. Keep quite. No means NO!

Kid: Mommy! (Mom is still ignoring)
Kid: Mommy! Mommy! I want cookie! (Getting louder)
Mom: (Gives an angry-Mom-look)

Shopping is nearly done.
Mom: (Gives a Damn-angry-Mom-look)
Kid: Mommy! I WANT COOKIE!! I WANT COOKIE!! I WANT COOKIE!!!!! (Shaking the hell out of his stroller)
Mom: Behave!
Kid: Mommy! I WANT ...
Mom: OKAY!! but not more than one!

And the story has just begun...

One of the very basic lessons of life taught to us since very childhood...

A 'NO' doesn't mean NO. It might mean 'Not now', 'You are not ready', 'You will have to try once more', 'It is not this much easy', 'Better luck next time' or any other thing like that BUT- it DOESN'T mean 'NO'. NO is never a final answer. It means we have to try once more. There is little more courage needed to get this opportunity. Show me you are really serious about it. Be persistent and get what you want.

This is the basic lesson we learn probably in very first days of our life (remember you needed to cry and shout to even get your feeder from Mom!). And yet we tend to forget this message in the later part of life when we really need this. As we get older we start believing that this is the final 'NO'. We have to give up. We have done ALL we COULD. It is no use of trying more. It is over. It was not in my fate.

We don't understand that it is this 'NO' which is making our success and our achievements something really worthy. It is defining what our true character is. What it really takes to stop us. Was it somebody said to me something harsh. Or it was really tough. Or I was too old for this. Or it was not my game. Or whatever... These NOs can never restrict you, only your OWN self can set limitations for you. Numbers of 'NOs' are directly proportional to the value of what we get after these NOs. NO is not a full-stop. NO means we need to start-next-sentence (or try)...

There might be many 'NOs' in life as you go ahead but if you really want to get your cookie, there is NO other option. Go, Get your cookie and remember, you will always get your cookie in NEXT attempt!!

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